Honorary Degrees

Honorary Degree
An honorary degree is a prestigious recognition bestowed upon individuals who have made remarkable contributions or accomplishments in their respective fields. It serves as a symbolic tribute, acknowledging their exceptional achievements and impact without requiring the completion of a formal academic program.
Who Can Nominate?
An honorary degree is a prestigious recognition bestowed upon individuals who have made remarkable contributions or accomplishments in their respective fields. It serves as a symbolic tribute, acknowledging their exceptional achievements and impact without requiring the completion of a formal academic program.
Nomination criteria
Nomination criteria for honorary degrees include outstanding achievements, significant contributions, and notable impact in their field.
The committee will consider whether nominees meet one or more of the following criteria:
academics with an international reputation who have an existing or potential academic link with the University
national or international figures who serve as a role model for young people
international figures who have some connection with the University, for example, a common area of research
national or international figures who serve to make a statement about the University’s position on moral or ethical issues
recognition of achievements which have not previously been recognised
persons with a local connection who have achieved a national or international reputation
We offer the below listed honorary doctorates :
Doctor Of Philosophy (Ph.D)
Doctor Of Literature (D.Litt)
Doctor Of Letters (D.Litt)
Doctor Of Science (D.Sc)
Doctor Of Humane Letters (D.H.L)
Doctor Of Laws (L.L.D)
Doctor Of Fine Arts (DFA)
Doctor Of Humanities (D.Hum)
Doctor Of Music (D.Mus)
Doctor Of Theology (Th.D)
Doctor Of Divinity (D.D)
Doctor Of Ministry (D.Min)
Doctor Of Architecture (D.Arch)
Doctor Of Social Science (D.S.Sc)
Doctor Of Education (D.Ed)
Doctor Of Psychology (Psy.D)
Doctor Of Arts (DA)
Doctor Of Business Administration (D.B.A)
Doctor Of Health Sciences (D.H.Sc)
Doctor Of Technology (D.Tech)
Doctor Of Liberal Arts (D.L.A)
Doctor Of Mathematics (D.Math)
Doctor Of Arts And Humane Letters (D.A.H)
Doctor Of Business (D.B)
Doctor Of Civil Law (D.C.L)
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor Of Commercial Science (D.C.S)
Doctor Of Tourism Studies
Doctor Of Hospitality Management
Doctor Of Travel & Tourism Management
Doctor Of Transport & Logistic Management
An honorary doctorate is a “High Level Academic Recognition” granted by a University to a recipient without completion of the normal University courses for that degree. Universities grant them to honor the recipient, while also benefiting the University by association.
A regular degree, you can use for academic improvement like joining a higher course.An honorary doctor is a status symbol it cannot be used for promotion, joining a higher education, etc.
Yes, it is fully legal throughout the world; it can be even apostilled as any regular degree (Attested by a notary public appointed by a government). You can use the title as follows for example Dr. Edward PhD (hc) “hc ” stands for Honoris Causa means for the sake of honor.
To raise funds for charity and to cover research development expenses.
Personnel with outstanding career and potentials along with professionalism with special contribution at State or National level in the society upon the educational, scientific works, cultural and peace activities or any other humanitarian activities deserves an honorary degree. You too may qualify for the highest degree available on this planet.
This program is offered only to a select group of accomplished individuals such as yourself. As a professional, a degree or additional degree will allow you to make a greater impact. The expedient way of showing the world your knowledge, abilities, experience and talents is with your degree and use of your titles.
We invite applications for honorary doctorate (honoris causa) degrees (Latin: “for the sake of the honour”) from experienced personnel in various disciplines who have rich experience in their respective field.
The awarding of an honorary degree is an important symbol in the life of the University. An honorary degree recognizes uncommonly meritorious accomplishments and activity, both in the academic arena and in broader areas of benefit to society, that reflect the values esteemed by a great university. Honorary degrees are conferred on those whose achievements are of such excellence that they provide, through example, inspiration and leadership to the graduates of the University.
• In choosing recipients for this honor the University is also guided by the principle that in honoring individuals for their contributions, the University is also honoring itself by its association with people of such special merit.
The following specific criteria are used by the Honorary Degrees Committee in its consideration of candidates. The Committee’s goal each year is to present a slate of recipients across a range of academic disciplines and non-academic areas of achievement. Honorary degree recipients, when possible, will be chosen to match the purposes of the Convocation at which the degree is to be granted. Those in category (a). will predominate if possible; those in categories (b) and (c) will normally number less than half of the recipients in category (a) unless the Convocation is being called for a special reason
a. The University normally will give preference to honoring individuals who have made outstanding contributions in the sciences, humanities, and professions in which the University itself is active.
b. Recognition will be given to those whose exceptional accomplishments have contributed to enhancing culture and society in Canada or elsewhere in the world.
c. The University on occasion will honor those who have made extraordinary contributions to the development of the University or the region or have achieved international standards of excellence.
Nominations: At least once annually, a call for nominations will be broadcast widely by the University Secretariat to the university community, using the traditional outlets and any additional avenues suggested by members of the Honorary Degrees Committee. Nominations may be submitted at any time to the University Secretary using the form
Maintenance of Lists: The initial screening of the nomination will be made by the Senate Secretariat to ensure that the nomination adheres to these guidelines. Names will be added to the list for a period of three years from the date of nomination, at which time if the nominee has not been selected, the name will be deleted. If the person is re-nominated, and if the nomination is still valid according to these guidelines, the name will again be added to the list for an additional three year period.
From the active list of nominations, the Honorary Degrees Committee will select prospective degree recipients as required in the annual convocation cycles. Once a prospective degree recipient has been identified and agreed upon by the Committee, two members of the committee will be assigned to the nomination file in order to execute due diligence, based on publicly available information, to ensure that the nomination conforms fully to the selection principles and criteria.
Nominators will be invited to participate in the conferral of the degree as hooders, presenters or hosts, where and when possible, on the basis of their relevant relationship to the field of accomplishment of the nominee. Selection of these invitees will be determined by a group comprising the President, Director of Convocation, Provost and Secretary of Senate.
This nomination must be written under Freedom of Information guidelines. Please try and restrict your information to what is available in the public domain. Where it is necessary to include private information this must be clearly marked as such, i.e. “Information not in the public domain”.
Nominations should be submitted on the forms provided by the Co- Ordinator ( Nomination Committee ) (please note that a nomination not submitted in this format is difficult to assess and the nomination is thus likely to be undermined): -
(a) a completed nomination form (copy attached);
(b) (i) a supporting submission on the form provided (copy attached) which contains an introductory statement setting forth the principal grounds for the distinction;
(ii) a brief chronological, narrative account of the nominee’s life and work;
(iii) an outline of the nominee’s most significant academic or other achievements;
(iv) an assessment of his/her standing on a basis of international comparison or in the life of the nation;
(v) any other information the proposer would wish to bring to the attention of the Committee.
(c) nominations should be accompanied by details of the nominees’ published works in an Appendix.
The Honorary Degrees Committee is appointed annually by Senate and consists of the Registrar and such other members of Senate as determined from time to time by Senate. The duty of the Committee is to select persons to be recommended to Senate for the conferment of Honorary Degrees.
( 1 ) The Honorary Degrees Committee shall submit a Motion for the award of Honorary Degrees in the form of a written report which shall be made available to members of Senate at least two days before the Ordinary Meeting at which it is to be presented.
( 2 ) The names of those recommended for Honorary Degrees are confidential until approved by Senate and offers have been accepted by candidates.
DOCUMENT CHECKLIST( Common for Honorary Doctorate & Honorary Awards )
Nominations submitted without the following documents will be returned to the Nominator:
A letter from the Nominator describing reasons for nominating the Nominee, including contributions or special accomplishments of the Nominee, and any other information which the Nominator feels may be pertinent to the nomination.
Letters of Support (no more than three).
Nominee’s abridged curriculum vitae containing details such as education, a field of endeavor a short description of publications (if any), specials awards, and distinguished service.
A short biographical summary (maximum 200 words), which will form the basis of the citation at convocation should the Nominee be chosen as an honorary degree recipient.
Honorary degree recipients are invited to give the Convocation address but may decline the invitation to do so.
Honorary degrees are not awarded in absentia.
Honorary degrees are not awarded posthumously. An exception may be made in the case of the honor having been accepted and arrangements made for its awarding prior to the death of the nominee.
The citation for the honorary degree should be no longer than three minutes in length. In accordance with Council Bylaws, “each recipient of an honorary degree shall be presented for admission [to the degree] by the Director or by a person designated for that purpose by the Director”
REVOKING ( Common for Honorary Doctorate & Award )
The Senate may revoke an honorary degree and all the rights and privileges connected therewith.” The Senate would consider revoking the degree on the recommendation of the Honorary Degrees Committee, by means of a vote.
Degree Certificates and Letters Policy
Once your Doctorate degree has been conferred at a Doctorate ceremony either in person or in absentia, you will automatically receive a Doctorate degree certificate. This will be either presented to you by your Co-Ordinator on the day of the Convocation ceremony or posted to you after the event.
For all ceremonies, if you have not received your degree certificate within three months of the date of your ceremony and you fail to notify us of this within that period, you will be charged for a replacement certificate. -
Students who have completed an award bearing non-matriculated course (certificate or diploma) with the Department for Continuing Education will receive an award certificate from the Department.
Electronic copies, PDFs or scanned versions of certificates cannot be issued at any time.
Replacement Certificates :
If your Doctorate degree certificate is lost, stolen or damaged, you can order a replacement certificate at a cost. Please note that students are only permitted to have one copy of their certificate in their possession at any one time, so multiple copies cannot be requested.
Policy: Honorary Degrees
Purpose and Scope
To define the requirements for the University’s highest honor – the honorary doctorate degree.
Upon recommendation by the President and approval by the Board of Trustees, honorary degrees are awarded to individuals who have achieved unusual distinction in service to the University and/or society in such areas as research, scholarship, education, the arts, humanities, the professions, business, government service, civic affairs, human rights, humanitarian outreach, social activism, innovation and invention.
The selection of honorary degree recipients should be made in a manner that will bring honor to both the recipients and the university.
Honorary degrees generally will be awarded only at official commencements or at special convocations held on the campus of the university.
No limit is set on the number of honorary degrees that may be awarded, but the number should never become so large as to diminish their significance or importance.
Honorary degrees will not be awarded in absentia.
Honorary degrees will not be awarded to members of the Board of Trustees or the Board of Regents while they are serving in that capacity.
Honorary degrees will generally not be awarded to current staff or faculty members.
All matters pertaining to the nomination and selection of honorary degree candidates are confidential.
[Note: Parts IV-VII of this Regulation (and all other University Regulations) are Regulations Resource Information – the contents of which are not approved by the Academic Senate or Board of Trustees, and are to be updated from time to time as determined appropriate by the cognizant Policy Officer and the Institutional Policy Committee, as per Policy 1-001 and Rule 1-001.]
Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms and other related resources
Rules (Reserved)
Procedure 9-002
Guidelines (Reserved)
Forms (Reserved)
Other related resource materials (Reserved)
The designated contact officials for this Policy are:
Policy Owners (primary contact person for questions and advice): Secretary to the University.
Policy Officers: Vice President for Institutional Advancement.
These officials are designated by the University President or delegee, with assistance of the Institutional Policy Committee, to have the following roles and authority, as provided in University Rule 1-001:
“A ‘Policy Officer’ will be assigned by the President for each University Policy, and will typically be someone at the executive level of the University (i.e., the President and his/her Cabinet Officers). The assigned Policy Officer is authorized to allow exceptions to the Policy in appropriate cases…. “
“The Policy Officer will identify an ‘Owner’ for each Policy. The Policy Owner is an expert on the Policy topic who may respond to questions about, and provide interpretation of the Policy; and will typically be someone reporting to an executive level position (as defined above), but may be any other person to whom the President or a Vice President has delegated such authority for a specified area of University operations. The Owner has primary responsibility for maintaining the relevant portions of the Regulations Library… .[and] bears the responsibility for determining -requirements of particular Policies… .”
Procedure: Honorary Degrees
Nominations of individuals to be considered for honorary degrees may be submitted to the Secretary to the University by any member of the faculty or staff of the University, as well as by Board members, alumni, and friends of the University. Each nomination should be submitted in writing or electronically, using the nomination form available online. Nominations should contain the full name of the nominee plus and any or all of the following information:
List of academic degrees earned and the institutions granting them.
Career history or experience that is deemed relevant to the nomination.
List of memberships in learned societies, professional association, and civic organizations, etc.
List of significant honors already attained.
Identify any current or past connections or ties to the University.
Any additional comments that add interest or pertinent information concerning the nominee.
Nominations should be submitted to the Secretary to the University according to the following schedule:
For the University’s annual Commencement — not later than May 31st of the previous year.
For Special Convocations — not later than three six months before the date of the Special Convocation.
Other nominations may be invited by members of the Board of Trustees on an ongoing basis.
Selection and Approval
The Secretary to the University will submit the list of nominees to the Honors Committee of the Board of Trustees. This committee, in consultation with the President and Vice President for Institutional Advancement, will make its selection of honorary degree recipients and submit its choice(s) to the full Board of Trustees for final approval.
All matters pertaining to the nomination and selection of honorary degree candidates are confidential
🎓 Special Announcement: Honorary Doctorate Degree Price Reduction!
We are thrilled to announce a significant reduction in the price of our Honorary Doctorate Degree program!
We understand the importance of recognizing outstanding individuals like you, and we want to make this prestigious academic honor more accessible than ever before. Therefore, we have taken the step to lower the price, ensuring that deserving candidates can embark on this remarkable journey without financial barriers.
Now, you can pursue an Honorary Doctorate Degree at a more affordable price, while still receiving the same level of distinction and respect associated with this esteemed recognition. It's our way of celebrating your exceptional achievements and providing you with the recognition you deserve.
You can avail of an affordable price
The price will be from $800 up to $2,500